Really, I just got to thinking that my old "blog" was too negative and damning. I've changed a lot over the past few years and I'm ready to put those things behind me. Yeah, I'm still negative and explosive, but I want to make an effort to be more diplomatic.
Yeah, right.
Drama follows me like a rain cloud - and, it's not even MY drama. It's everyone else's and it just tails along like a lost puppy and tries to piss on me.
In essence, it's still going to be the same blog. I just wanted all of that crap gone. Some things I'll paraphrase, or I'll go back in time and tell a story, but ultimately I want a new start. I thought I'd try something like Hyperbole and a Half, and draw pictures. Then I realised I have no talent. So I'll stick to my normal pictures.
Like this:

But my lack of talent isn't confined solely to drawing. Oh, no. It also smothers my ability to sing, act, dance, and do anything even remotely creative. I used to be a good writer, until I had four concussions and a traumatic brain injury. Now I just suck.
But that's okay, because eventually I'll be good at something.
But probably not.
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