I Have No Talent
Ahh, yes. There's nothing better than a blank slate. A fresh start. A new page, a re-do, a you-never-knew-I-was-here-anyway-so-why-not-do-it-all-over. It's no secret that I'm wishy-washy or that I'm indecisive and immature. I like to tear it all apart, stomp on it, and start all over again. It's like my own personal signature. People see destruction and they think, oh, Amanda was here.

Really, I just got to thinking that my old "blog" was too negative and damning. I've changed a lot over the past few years and I'm ready to put those things behind me. Yeah, I'm still negative and explosive, but I want to make an effort to be more diplomatic.

Yeah, right.

Drama follows me like a rain cloud - and, it's not even MY drama. It's everyone else's and it just tails along like a lost puppy and tries to piss on me.

In essence, it's still going to be the same blog. I just wanted all of that crap gone. Some things I'll paraphrase, or I'll go back in time and tell a story, but ultimately I want a new start. I thought I'd try something like Hyperbole and a Half, and draw pictures. Then I realised I have no talent. So I'll stick to my normal pictures.

Like this:

But my lack of talent isn't confined solely to drawing. Oh, no. It also smothers my ability to sing, act, dance, and do anything even remotely creative. I used to be a good writer, until I had four concussions and a traumatic brain injury. Now I just suck.

But that's okay, because eventually I'll be good at something.


But probably not.